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Electricity cost for heating a House, Know the Discounts available !

Now that the Autumn is approaching maybe it is time to look at your Electricity costs for your home.  Did you know that you can get a 4% Discount if you pay by direct debit and 2% Discount if  you receive your bills by email ?  This is called Value Reward.  The discount is applied to the Unit rate.  There is also a rate for a day and night meter, however this would require a lot of planning.  You would need to use the bulk of your electricity between 11 pm and 8 am

 The cost of Electricity is due to increase by 5.9% on 01 October.   There are a number of ways to save on this utility.  Electric Ireland have the following information on their website

Maybe you are not on the correct price plan, check your bill and see what “bundle” is the best for your household or call Electric Ireland to discuss the current price plans. Tel 1850 30 50 90

Kehoe Auctioneers ( 059 91 31678 )  keeping you informed.

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