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Business in Carlow, Tuesdays feature is Hunters Lodge Living in Ballintrane, Carlow

Hunters Lodge Living Fiona Fillon is the proud owner of Hunters Lodge Living in Carlow. Fiona and her family moved back to Ireland in 1999 and started a very varied career which started with the rearing of hens. Since then Fiona has gone on to the keeping of bees and growing your own fruit and vegetables.
There are course in all of the above. The most popular class is now our GRO (Grow and Rear your Own) class which covers all aspects of growing and rearing your own food – from herbs on the windowsill to pigs in the garden.
Hunters Lodge Living can be found at the Farmers Market in Carlow on a Saturday morning.

Remember to shop local and source local, it is the only way to a positive and productive future in Carlow.

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